Mitchell Gerskup, P.Eng., is a Canadian Professional Engineer specializing in building science and restoration engineering. With a background in structural and building systems engineering, he has spent the last 20 years applying building science principles to investigate and repair existing structures, focusing on building envelope issues.

Mitchell earned his Bachelor of Engineering from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) in 2016 and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Toronto in 2010. He is licensed by Professional Engineers Ontario.

During his tenure with BEST Consultants, Mitchell has conducted hundreds of building investigations, condition assessments, and reserve fund studies. He has also led the design, procurement, and administration of repair and restoration projects for hundreds of buildings throughout Ontario, including multi-residential, commercial, and institutional structures. He specializes in producing building condition assessment and reserve fund study reports, including physical and financial life cycle analysis and end-of-life procurement projects.

As Partner & Vice President of BEST Consultants, Mitchell manages a multi-disciplinary team of restoration engineers, building scientists, and technologists.

Mitchell has presented continuing professional development courses on Building Condition Assessments, Reserve Fund Studies, and Bidding, Evaluation, Negotiation, and Contract Award. He has also presented seminars to Toronto-based property management companies on conducting reserve fund studies and effective project management and contract administration. He has published articles for the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario on best practices in conducting Reserve Fund Studies and contributed to the Best Practices Guide for Procurement, published by the Condominium Authority of Ontario
